IBM Cloudant is a managed database service on IBM Cloud. It is based on Apache CouchDB and is intended for JSON document storage.

By default, IBM Cloud provides a Web-based dashboard to manage IBM Cloudant instances. However, if you prefer to use Fauxton, Apache CouchDB’s native Web dashboard, it’s actually quite easy to connect and use a locally-running Fauxton instance with an IBM Cloudant service.

NOTE: Before proceeding, ensure that you have a recent version of Node.js installed.

  1. Create an IBM Cloudant service, ensuring that you configure the service with both legacy credentials and IAM.

    ibmcloud resource service-instance-create mycloudant cloudant lite eu-de -p '{"legacyCredentials": true}'
  2. Generate credentials for the service. Note the values of the url, apikey and username fields.

    ibmcloud resource service-key-create mycloudant-key Manager --instance-name mycloudant
  3. Install Fauxton.

    npm install -g fauxton
  4. Start Fauxton, pointing to the url of your IBM Cloudant service.

  5. By default, Fauxton starts on port 8000, so point your browser to http://YOUR-FAUXTON-HOST:8000. You should see the Fauxton login screen.


  6. Log in with the username and apikey values. Your local Fauxton instance should connect to your remote IBM Cloudant database service.


You can now create a new database, add documents, execute queries, and perform other administrative tasks on your IBM Cloudant database from your local Fauxton instance.

