The Open Source India conference is back for 2012. This year, it will run from Oct 12-14 in Bangalore.

I’ll be presenting two sessions at the conference:

  • Creating REST Applications with the Slim Micro-Framework (Sat Oct 13 2012 at 17:45) This session explains how to use the Slim PHP micro-framework to quickly deploy a REST API. It will also discuss how to implement common API requirements, such as authentication, request logging and multi-format support.
  • Community Matters: Why Open Source Marketing Can Help Improve Your Product (Sun Oct 14 2012 at 12:15) This session is intended to throw light on the nature of open source communities and illustrate how community marketing can help increase product adoption, reduce sales costs and enhance the product development process.

If you’ll be in Bangalore and at the conference, don’t forget to drop by and say hello!

Update: Slides are now available.