
  1. XML and PHP Basics
    Context is everything. And this introductory chapter attempts to put XML and PHP in context with a discussion of the history, features, capabilities, and applications of these two technologies. It then goes on to explain the rationale for using PHP to process XML, and provides an introduction to how the two can be combined together.

  2. PHP and the Simple API for XML (SAX)
    With the basics out of the way, this chapter discusses the Simple API for XML, lists SAX functions available in PHP, and explains how to use them to traverse and parse an XML document.

  3. PHP and the Document Object Model (DOM)
    There�s more than one way to skin a cat�a fact amply demonstrated by this chapter, which discusses an alternative to the SAX method of parsing XML data. It explains basic DOM concepts, lists DOM functions available in PHP, and explains how to use them to traverse and parse an XML document using both recursive and non-recursive techniques.

  4. PHP and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)
    Now that you know how to parse an XML document with PHP, take things to the next level with a discussion of the PHP XSLT API, which is used to transform XML documents on the server using XSLT stylesheets.

  5. PHP and Web Distributed Data eXchange (WDDX)
    WDDX is an open framework for distributing XML-encoded data across systems.This chapter explores the possibilities for using PHP to transmit WDDX-encoded XML data, and illustrates the process of building a PHP-based WDDX server and client to handle this type of information exchange.

  6. PHP and XML-Based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
    XML-RPC makes it possible to transmit XML-encoded Remote Procedure Calls from one system to another, and retrieve the response. SOAP is an evolution of XML-RPC, which offers more features and flexibility.This chapter explores the PHP implementation of XML-RPC and SOAP.

  7. PHP, XML and Databases
    Thus far, you�ve been dealing with static XML documents. Now, add a database to the equation by generating XML data dynamically from a MySQL database and applying XSL Transformations to it.

  8. Open Source XML/PHP Alternatives
    What do you do if your PHP build doesn�t include support for certain XML processing functions? Turn to the open-source community for help, of course! This chapter examines four open-source projects that allow you to simulate PHP�s native XML processing functions, with detailed usage examples and explanations.

  9. Case Studies
    There�s nothing better than a good example � except maybe two good examples. And so, this concluding chapter demonstrates the fundamental premise of this book � the synergy between XML and PHP � with case studies of two real-world development projects.

  1. Recompiling PHP to Add XML Support
    Complete, step-by-step instructions on how to recompile your PHP build to support the various XML functions discussed in this book.

  2. Open Source Licenses
    The complete text of the various licenses for the software used in the book.

  3. Glossary
    Make sense of the alphabet soup with this handy reference to all the acronyms and technical terms used in the book.


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